Wednesday, 4 February 2015

Dream or was it a nightmare


Quite some time back now,  although the date has long since been forgotten,  the dream is as vivid as ever.     It starts with me having died,  arriving in heaven and picking up two rather heavy suitcases  from where I had laid up my treasure (in heaven)  Matt 6 v20 store up for yourselves treasures in heaven. before heading up the hill to the city.   To the new Jerusalem.     Just as I got there and was about to walk through the gates,  a great deep voice boomed out “Hey where do you think you are going”   Looking up I saw Peter standing there with great big keys in his hand.    “Hi” I answered  “I am Edward and I have just arrived.    I’m sure my heavenly Father will be expecting me”    “That may be so” Peter answered back  “but you can’t just walk into the city.    You have to be introduced and anyway you just can’t walk in carrying cases like that.   Someone has to help you.    Is there anyone here who knows you and will be willing to help..”    “Hundreds if not thousands” I confidently replied.  "I have been a Christian for over 40 years and know lots and lots of Christian from all over the world."  “Stay here then and I will get messengers to go around the city to tell everyone you have arrived and everyone who knows you to come to the main gate”    Sure enough as the words got out  a large crowd began to gather at the gate.      Many waved and shouting hello.    Peter then stood up and said “Edward,  here wants to come and live in the city.    Who will come and carry his bags and help him settle in.  Someone,  who if it wasn't for him would not be here today”   Silence descended on the crowd and no one moved.    Peter then said again “Who will come and carry his bags and help him settle in for he helped you when you were in great need”   Again no one moved.    So Peter repeated again “Is there not someone who will come and carry his bags and help him as he helped you whilst on earth”   You could still hear a pin drop and still no one moved.   A fourth time Peter asked for someone to help me saying “Surely there is someone here who wants Edward in the city”    As he spoke I picked up my bags, turned to go back down the hill and said “It’s OK Peter,  Don’t worry.   I don’t want to be where I am not wanted.”    As I started off down the hill, I heard the voice of Jesus say from somewhere at the back of the crowd   “I want you.   Someone go and pick up his bags for Me”    I don’t know what happened or if anyone moved for I had started walking back down the hill and at that moment I woke up in a cold sweat.

At the time I didn't know what all that was about or what it meant.     I do so now for not one person will move to bring me into the church here in Plymouth.   Let alone carry my bags or share my burden.

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