Although Johras created it as a window I have turned it into boxes or rooms in which I looking down on myself can see whats in rooms 1 and 2. Whilst people looking in from the outside see what is in rooms 1 and 3. No one can see what is in box 4 although we know it is there and there are things in it As Christians we would say only God can see what we have hidden in there
The first is straight forward The open window. Both I looking down and others looking from the left can see in there.. They are the obvious things about me. My height, colour of my hair, eyes etc. Things on public records and things I chose to disclose. My life's journey, wounds, scars, things that hurt., please or delight.
The second. My private self. Things I know about myself that I chose not to disclose. My private thoughts, feelings. Things even that I am ashamed of but I would rather no one else finds out.
The third becomes more interesting. Things people know about me but I have long since forgotten. Behavior I am not conscious of, both good and bad. Body language. The clenching of the fist when starting to get angry. Gestures I do not realise I am making. The tapping of fingers, the grinding of teeth. All the things that are obvious to others but I don't know about myself.
Whilst the fourth is the hidden or unknown. My sub conscious or unconscious mind. Deep feeling I do not know I have. Memories long forgotten but still there buried deep down in my unknowing..
Things, feelings, emotions in each of the four boxes or rooms affect my behaviour, make up who I am and cause me to behave,, act as I do.. Knowledge they say is power and the more you know about yourself the more you can chose how to behave. How to act, what to do, how to behave. The things in box two you can chose to disclose to others or not as you feel is right to do. In doing so you chose to move it into box one or keep it private in box 2. It is only things in boxes 1 and two you have any power or control of. If you don't know you are doing it then you can have no control over it. You can not stop or change your behaviour unless you know what it is you should change. Which is were other people come in. People who see what you are doing which you do not know you are doing. Gestures, words you use which you are not aware you do but annoy, anger or upset others, you can only stop, control or accept alas unless you are told first. Someone seeing what's in box 3 telling you and in doing so moves it into box 1. You can move things into room 1 others move things from room 3 to room 1.
As for things in room 4 only God can show you those until then you are controlled by your inner nature, impulses and things long forgotten. He may reveal them in His own mysterious, miraculous way. He may use others. Counselling, A chance remark, a throw away gesture, word or statement, Prayer, An action or deed by another person. However He does it, it is only then, when what is in room 4 is moved to either room 2 ( a revelation only you are aware of) or room 1 when others are knowingly used by God, can you chose to continue the way you always do things or change.
To change you need others to first help you see what is making you behave as you do. to help you see who you are. For it is not what you do that makes you who you are but who you are that makes you do what you do.
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